Natanail Stefanov 🚀 on LinkedIn: 404: This page could not be found (2024)

Natanail Stefanov 🚀

Founder of GRVTY | Entrepreneurship Enthusiast & Social Change Maker

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Bulgaria ❤️ Startups…


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  • Natanail Stefanov 🚀

    Founder of GRVTY | Entrepreneurship Enthusiast & Social Change Maker

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    Благодаря на Ivan Panteleev за прекрасния разговор и възможността да участвам в страхотния подкаст на Xplora BG — еднa от най-яките маркетингови компании... "ever". Успяхме да си поговорим за важни работни теми, които ме вълнуват напоследък, а също и да споделя малко лични истории: 👨🏫 Откъде идва страстта ми към образованието, науката и музиката🎓 За важността на формалното и неформалното образование🔬 За Sofia Tech Park — минало, настояще и бъдеще🚀 За Програмата за новатори "South East Europe Innovators Program"📖 За душата — от кои книги черпя знания и вдъхновение Приятно слушане = )YouTube: Podcasts:


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  • Natanail Stefanov 🚀

    Founder of GRVTY | Entrepreneurship Enthusiast & Social Change Maker

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    Being an entrepreneur is lonely, they say. Not in my case! I am surrounded by a great team. So when I have to be at two places at once, there's always someone who can cover for me. Next week will be a big one for GRVTY Technologies. We'll be pitching all overthe globe. While I'm at Startup Grind in Silicon Valley with Mladen Kostov FRSA, our senior advisorVladimir Dimitroff will be our MC on stage at Rare Founders on Apr 22 and Evaan John Abraham will make sure we extend our portfolio of partners. Vlado, Evaan, I appreciate knowing that we can consistently rely on you!And if anyone is around, either in SFO or LDN, we're always looking forward to talking to people who care about empowering the sports world through data and meaningful fan engagement.

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  • Natanail Stefanov 🚀

    Founder of GRVTY | Entrepreneurship Enthusiast & Social Change Maker

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    GRVTY Technologiesis attending Startup Grind, the premier tech event in Silicon Valley.We're looking to build partnerships and secure funding to build the largest platform for fan engagement in sports. So if you're interested in either, send me or Mladen Kostov FRSA a message or stop by our booth 65. Big shoutout to .TECH Domains' Startup Program ( for sponsoring GRVTY's attendance! We’ll be in the Bay Area the whole week of April 22-26 and we look forward to meeting you there.

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  • Natanail Stefanov 🚀

    Founder of GRVTY | Entrepreneurship Enthusiast & Social Change Maker

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    За София Тех Парк 2023-та беше вълнуваща… 2024-та ще бъде още по-добра! По какво работим и какво да очаквате?- Ъпгрейд на суперкомпютърът Discoverer и предоставяне на облачни услуги- Подкрепа за учени и предприемачи и какво (ще) правим, за да не бъде всичко “само в София” и големите градове- Разпространение на знания чрез образователни инициативи и събития- Валидиране на прототипи и идеи в лабораториите с инициативата “Test Before Invest”Sofia Tech Park #ThePlaceToBe

    София Тех Парк актуализира суперкомпютъра, за да е по-ефективен за AI



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  • Natanail Stefanov 🚀

    Founder of GRVTY | Entrepreneurship Enthusiast & Social Change Maker

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    A different type of New Year’s planning… Every year I do New Year Planning. I am following a great methodology(Year Compass - - you should definitely check it out. It’s not just about the resolutions - it’s about assessing the year that has passed, having time by yourself, and dreaming big for the future. Once you end up with 20+ resolutions, it’s hard to think about them, not to mention acting accordingly. So last year, instead of thinking of ambitions plans such as going to the gym regularly, drinking enough water, etc. I decided to think of 7 keywords that would remind me to take the most adequate decisions at any time. ♥️ Love. When you love and are in love, everything happens naturally. I’ve decided to love people, love what I do, and love life. Now all the challenges may still be around, but life seems so much better. <3🏋️♂️ Discipline. This is the way to be consistent and reach your goals. That’s the way to go. They say one needs 66 days to establish a routine. Well this one is applicable at home, at work, at the gym… Discipline will take us a far way!👨🔬 Cognisance. During the Christmas season they said that the greatest present was to be present. I decided that in 2023 I want to be intentional and be present at any moment. ⏰ Efficiency. Throughout the years, I’ve been inclined to be all over the place - because there are so many problems in the world I’ve wanted to address and to which I’ve given a lot of time. In 2023 I wanted to achieve more… with less effort. The MVP (most viable product) startup principle is very well applicable in life as well. It’s the good old 80/20 Pareto Principle. I do my best to achieve something that works with 20% of my efforts and then I move to the next one. Even though it may not be perfect, I will achieve much more rather than if I waited until everything was completely ready and top notch. (Even this post is an example of this principle = ).👩🏫 Assertiveness. Now this one is personal. You may assume what’s it all about. ; )🎯 Results. Results should do the talking. I decided that I want to keep focused on the results, not on the process. (This is because I am often inclined to be a more people- and process-oriented person. If you are a result-oriented highly-effective person, you may need to focus more on the people around you and their needs.)🎨 Creativity. I wanted to go back to the roots of music and creativity that once was my life and try to be creative in everything I do. For each person being creative may have different implications - I started writing poems. Still reading? Well if you’ve reached so far, I’ve got a bonus word for you - it’s “hustle”. I recently had a trip to Silicon Valley and everybody in the startup world says that this is one of the most important prerequisites for success. I don’t know if this is “the most” crucial one, but it definitely helps. Now go, enjoy life and make 2024 a year that counts!

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  • Natanail Stefanov 🚀

    Founder of GRVTY | Entrepreneurship Enthusiast & Social Change Maker

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    Today is#GivingTuesday - the international day of generosity! Therefore, Global Giving is doubling the donations made on their platform today. 🥁This year, I decided to support the amazing BABA Residence program. Its team of wonderful people work in depopulating villages and just won the Social Innovation Award 2023 by Forbes Bulgaria.🔔I'd kindly invite anyone who's got heart for underdeveloped regions and elderly people to donate, spread the word, and raise awareness for the needs of areas with territorial disparities that are marked by social isolation.🎶The team is also happy to discuss various partnerships and collaborations related to their artistic residency spaces in six of the villages, the artistic residencies per se, the products of their social enterprise supporting more than 60 women living in rural areas right now. I'm humbly proud to be a friend and a supporter ofBABA Residence and Ideas Factory Association - people whom I fully trust. All the best Yanina Taneva, Zornitsa Bazlyankova, Yoana Stoyanova, and team! <3

    Bridge generations, building resilient communities on GlobalGiving


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  • Natanail Stefanov 🚀

    Founder of GRVTY | Entrepreneurship Enthusiast & Social Change Maker

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    We're not rock stars, but we like to rock... = ) Our humble team at Sofia Tech Park JSC is in search of an incubation program expert for SEEIP. We'd like to onboard an energetic and enthusiastic person, knowledgeable and interested in the fields of innovation, entrepreneurship, and science commercialisation. Previous experience with herding unicorns is an advantage. ; )

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  • Natanail Stefanov 🚀

    Founder of GRVTY | Entrepreneurship Enthusiast & Social Change Maker

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    I'm humbly proud to be part of TRIUM Global Executive MBA - a community of amazing people and faculty, a source of world-class education and knowledge, and a stream of constant inspiration and intellectual challenge! = )Thank you to all TRIUM faculty and staff - at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), HEC Paris and NYU Stern School of Business for making it such a great experience!



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  • Natanail Stefanov 🚀

    Founder of GRVTY | Entrepreneurship Enthusiast & Social Change Maker

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    Като дете не съм предполагал, че един ден ще се занимавам с наука, макар и косвено. Имах мечти, свързани с изкуство и спорт. Днес обаче виждам, че креативността, дисциплината, знанието и опитът са общото между всички тези сфери. Благодаря на Bloomberg TV Bulgaria, че отразиха откриването на инициативата на Sofia Tech Park JSC - South East Europe Innovators Program. Какво е важно за нея: 🌍 С амбиции да бъде водещата инкубационна и акселерационна програма за научни проекти в целия регион на Югоизточна Европа, защото споделяме много сходни характеристики и нужди с околните страни. 🇧🇬Надграждаща добрата предприемаческа среда в България, адресирайкинякои наличните липси и нужди на предприемачите. 🧬 Насочена към учени, студенти и предприемачи, които по една или друга причина не получават подкрепа от никъде. 🍉Движеща се спрямо нуждите на всеки проект и участник. 👫Посветена да хората и знанието, защото екипът е по-важен от идеята.

    Нова програма на София Тех Парк ще подпомага учени, изследователи и предприемачи



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  • Natanail Stefanov 🚀

    Founder of GRVTY | Entrepreneurship Enthusiast & Social Change Maker

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    💥🎉 Миналата седмица най-накрая представихме официално новата програма на Sofia Tech Park JSC — South East European Innovators Program - SEEIP:👩🔬👨🔧🧑💻 Програма за новатори без ограничение в областта на разработваните технологични и научни проекти. 🚀 Включва елементи на инкубация, акселерация и технологичен трансфер.🌟 Безсрочна е и подкрепя екипите през целия им предприемачески път – от дефиниране на конкретния продукт или услуга, през намирането на инвеститори и финансиране до излизането на международни пазари.🏃♀️ Движи се с темпото и спрямо нуждите на всеки участник. Независимо дали сте предприемач, който иска да мине на следващото ниво или имате все още само идея за бизнес, ще намерите необходимите знания и подкрепа. 🤓 Вече не пазим в тайна как се кандидатства: 😇 И най-важното — движи се от мега яки хора, които ще ви подкрепят, обучават, предизвикват и ще направят каквото е необходимо, за да успеете. Monika Velkova, Elica Mollov, Tsanko P., Mark Marinov — смирено се гордея, че работим заедно!

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

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Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.