Breathe me in, Breathe me out - flowerrry28 (2024)

Louis was recently invited to a small gathering party. He was told the gathering wasn’t going to be anything huge so, this was nothing special. So he soon made his way to the destination.

As he stepped into the room, his eyes scanned and wandered the room until they landed on him. A beautiful boy standing near the window, his silhouette framed by the soft glow of the sun beaming through the window.

He was laughing at something his friend, Niall, said, his head tilted back slightly, exposing the beautiful curve of his neck. His eyes sparkled with a mix of mischief and warmth, and for a moment, everything else faded away. He felt a magnetic pull, an inexplicable urge to know the beautiful boy.

He was soon interrupted by the loud voice of his friend, Zayn, "what’s up Louis! You gonna come join us or not,” Zayn asked, causing Louis to chuckle and nod.

Zayn walked Louis over to where the other two boys were.

When he sat down he saw a hand out in the corner of his eyes, "Hi, I’m Harry,” the beautiful boy said, his voice smooth and inviting. Louis took his hand, noticing how soft it felt, and managed to reply, "I’m Louis. It’s a pleasure to meet you."

In that moment, everything else seemed to blur into the background. His presence was so welcoming, and Louis was entranced.

Harry seemed to have noticed how absolutely gone he was, telling by the small grin on his face.

They broke their eye contact and looked over to the other two boys, catching them making conversation with each other. Giving Louis and Harry a chance to only talk to each other. They introduced themselves to each other more, and shifted closer and closer together as their conversation grew.

“Guys, we can all go out to a bar if you're all down,” Niall said.

“Yes we can do that, but we can’t get totally trashed, or at least I can’t. I have work tomorrow,” Harry said with a soft sigh.

They all gathered all of their belongings, but Harry seemed to forget his black purse on the couch, so Louis picked it up, and walked towards Harry. He tapped Harry’s shoulder, "I assume you may need this," he said, the purse dangling on his fingers.

Harry looked at him with a sparkle in his eyes, totally shocked by how much of a gentleman this man is. He grabbed the bag, slightly touching Louis’ fingers in the moment.

They all took one car, having it only being four of them, Louis and Harry in the front seats, and Niall and Zayn in the back.

As Louis drove them to the bar, Louis sneakily placed his hand on Harry’s thigh

Harry peeped at Louis out of the corner of his eyes, smiling shyly.

As they made a slow stop, arriving at the bar, Louis then gently squeezed Harry’s thigh before immediately letting go.

Louis being the gentleman he is, he sprinted towards the entrance door, opening the door for Harry. Harry brought his hand up to his mouth, blushing.

Louis knew what he was doing to Harry.

“You three can go find our seats, I’ll go grab us a round,” Louis murmured. They did as told.

“Harr, do you see how absolutely goneLouis is for you already? I mean, the guy just met you and he’s already falling to his knees,” Niall laughed.

“I’m noticing, but you know me. I need to make him work for my attention. It's my thing.” Harry said with a devilish smirk.

Harry loved it when men chased him as if he was their dinner.

“H, come on. You know how that usually turns out. You allow these men to beg for so long to the point where they just give up,” Zayn chimed.

“I know, but I've never had a guy want me so badly like Louis. Like you said, I’ve only just met him, and he’s treating me like a princess. I mean he literally grabbed my purse for me, isn’t that so sweet?”

“Yea, but go easy on him, please?” Zayn added.

As they finished their short conversation, Louis soon appeared at the table with a tray of shots in his arms. He set it on the table, grabbing his seat beside Harry.

Everyone then grabbed a shot except Harry, “Are you gonna grab one, love?” Louis asked Harry. The pet name caused Harry to blush.

He nodded and grabbed one, quickly downing it, scrunching his face.

“So Lads, how’s it going? Any news?” Louis asked, now facing Niall and Zayn.

“Nothing new here. The single lifestyle is starting to hit hard. I’ve been looking, but nothing seems right,” Zayn said with a sad smile. He has been looking for the right person for a while, maybe he’ll click with someone tonight at the bar.

“Nothing here,” Niall chimed.

Louis has seen Niall hang around Zayn a few times, but never really sat down to have a proper chat with him. He’s hoping to keep him and Harry around a lot more. Mainly wanting to get to know Harry.

He only just met Harry a few hours ago, but he's gone for him already. Harry is just so beautiful, he’s never seen a more beautiful person.

The way his long, flowing hair cascaded over his shoulders like a waterfall of chocolate, catching the light and shimmering with every move he made. His eyes, a deep and captivating shade of emerald, sparkled with a warmth and kindness that made it impossible to look away.

Interrupting his thoughts, He felt a small tap on his shoulder, realizing he was just carried away in his thoughts, slightly embarrassed, “You okay, Lou? You left us just then?” Harry asked, showing his pearly whites. God he was so perfect.

“I’m fine, darling,” he smiled.

Harry just called him ‘Lou’. That caused his stomach to fill with butterflies.

Harry grabbed a shot for the tray, and slowly pushed it towards Louis. He then grabbed one for himself as well, winking at Louis.

Louis assumed Harry wanted them to take the shot together, so he downed the shot just as Harry did.

“Guys forget about what I said earlier. I’d like to get trashed tonight, I can just call off work tomorrow.” Harry said, winking at Louis.

He worked as a model for Gucci.

He then grabbed another shot, and another shot. Totally shocking Louis. He wasn’t lying about wanting to get totally trashed, he’s had the most shots out of everyone sitting at the table.

On the last show, he downed it, and stared into Louis' eyes, nodding his head towards the dance floor. Louis nodded and held his hand out for Harry to grab. They then made their way towards the dance floor.

As they moved together, their bodies swayed in a perfect rhythm, each step a blend of grace and connection. Louis’ hand rested softly on Harry's waist, guiding him with a confidence that made him feel safe.

Harry pushed his back towards Louis' front, grindingly pushing his bum onto Louis. He knew what he was doing.

Louis pulled Harry’s dress down, preventing it from riding up more than it has already.

Although that was just a small gesture, it still caused Harry to blush. No man has ever done that for him.

Playing this game was going to be hard for not only Louis, but him as well. Louis is hot and kind, and that’s all he really looks for in a man.

They danced to the music for a little longer until things got hotter.

Louis roughly grabbed Harry’s waist from behind, nibbling at his ear. Harry had to put a stop to this before it got too far. He removed Louis’ hands from his waist, turned around facing him, and left a wet kiss on Louis’ cheek. Completely shocking Louis.

He then walked away with a sway in his hips. He turned around, finding Louis biting his bottom lip, with a hungry look in his eyes. Harry smiled, loving how eager Louis looked.

The game harry was playing only made Louis draw to him more with each passing moment, intrigued by the challenge he presented. He was an enigma, a puzzle he was eager to solve.

Louis followed Harry back to the table, realizing they completely forgot about Zayn and Niall.

He allowed Harry to step into the booth first.

“We saw you guys there dancing together, there’s some tension” Niall said.

Harry just blinked at him, smiling.

“This one’s playing many games, but we’ll see how that works out.” Louis said while looking Harry up and down, biting his lip.

Harry just looked at him, with a sinful look in his eyes.

Harry then broke eye contact, “Alright, Lads. I think I'm gonna head home. I hope to see you all again soon,” Harry exclaimed, winking at Louis for what seemed like the 100th time tonight.

He squeezed past Louis, not bothering to ask him to get up. He purposely bumped his bum against Louis' chest. Louis saw his dress riding up again, so he helped Harry, and pulled it down for him.

Harry turned around and smiled at him, “Need me to walk you out, love?” Louis asked.

“No, I think I’ll be fine. Thanks, Lou Lou,” Harry said.

Louis rolled his eyes, and followed him to the door anyway.

As they exited the building, Louis made conversation, “I hope to see you again darling, I think you’re lovely.” Louis commentedz

Harry placed his hands on Louis’ chest, “This was wonderful Louis, I hope so too.” Harry added.

Louis then realized they only brought one car, “Harry?” He called.

“Yea, Lou?”

“How were you planning on getting home?” He asked with a confused look.

“I actually just realized we only drove one car. I’ll just call an Uber?” Harry said, pulling out his phone from his purse.

“There’s no need for that love. I can just drive you on”

“If you don’t mind.” Harry said shyly.

“I offered, didn't I?” Louis asked with a smile.

Forgetting about Niall and Zayn, again, he decided to just get them an Uber instead.

“Let’s go then.” Louis said, placing his hand on Harry’s lower back, opening the car door for him.

He made his way toward the driver's seat, turning on the car.

“You wanna put your address on the gps, love?” Louis asked, giving his phone to Harry. Harry grabbed the phone, putting in the address. He also put in his phone number.

The drive to his home was quiet, but not the awkward kind of quiet, the comforting quiet. After only a few minutes, they soon arrived at Harry’s house.

“Oh, I also put my phone number in your contacts. I texted myself just so I could have yours as well. I had a feeling you’d ask anyway,” Harry said.

“You can read minds, can you?” Louis asked jokingly.

Harry only smiled and exited the car.

“Hope to see you again soon, darling.” Louis shouted .

“Bye, Lou,” Harry added.

Louis waited until Harry entered his house, then he soon drove off.

He made his way towards his own house. He parked the car in the garage, and entered the house. As he made his way to his room, he checked his contacts, finding Harry’s contact, named as ‘Harr’ with a pink heart emoji.

He sighed.

It’s been a day, and Harry didn’t really expect Louis to text him so soon. He woke up this morning, and when he checked his phone, he saw a good morning text from Louis. He smiled, he loved how much Louis is putting into this already.

He replied with a morning selfie of himself, Louis replying with heart eye emoji.

He showered and got ready for work, he wasn’t really as hung over as he thought he’d be, so he decided he’d just go into work.

If he’d called out, it wouldn’t have been much of a problem because he isn’t usually the type to call out for just the littlest things, he once went to work with a stomach bug.

When he arrived at the building, he was greeted by his boss, Jeff.

Jeff was an absolute asshole, he was very controlling, and that’s only one of the many things he hates about him.

But he loves this job too much to let some f*ck ass boss ruin it all for him.

“Good Morning, Harry. We’d like you to do a few poses in this new floral suit. We need just a few by the end of the we-”

Harry then cut him off, “Jeff, I just got here, can I at least get into the building first before you start pushing all of this on me? Do you realize how rude that is?”

Jeff just stared at him. So Harry just stared back, soon walking away ending the awkwardness.

He entered the building, and made his way to the dressing room to fit into the floral suit Jeff asked him to model. The suit had a colorful floral pattern, and the suit itself was cream colored.

He stood in front of the camera, his eyes slightly burning from the white flash of the cameras. As he continued posing, he saw a familiar face standing behind the camera man, smiling at him. Louis.

He smiled, kinda happy he was seeing Louis. Although it’s only been a day, he did miss him.

“Looking Nice, love,” Louis mouthed quietly with a smirk.

“Oh, shut up.” Harry mouthed back, hiding his blush behind his hand..

Louis' ability to make Harry blush so often had to be some sort of super power. He’s never blushed so much in his life.

He noticed Louis’ arm carrying a tray holding two drinks. Noticing the labels on the cups, he must’ve stopped by the cafe Niall works at. He was hoping one of them was for him, remembering he didn’t get a chance to have his healthy breakfast this morning.

The cameraman then told him he was done for the day.

He stepped over to Louis, “Hi, Lou. What’re you doing here? And how did you find where I work anyway?” Harry asked with confusion.

“Oh Niall gave me the address here. I’m sorry, I just really missed your sweet face,” Louis said shyly.

Harry just stared at him in awe. It’s been getting harder and harder to act like he doesn’t notice the way Louis treats him. He’s never been treated this nicely before, and he’s loving this so much.

“I brought you a matcha latte. Ni told me you really like matcha.” Louis said, grabbing the drink and handing it to Harry.

They walked over to a nearby table with seats.

While Harry was sipping on his latte, he noticed Louis sipping on his as well, making faces like he hates the drink, “Lou, you don’t have to drink it you know. I know you got the latte for yourself as well just to impress me. I’m flattered, but I won’t torture you like that,” Harry said with a giggle.

It was almost embarrassing to see how much Louis was putting into this. Harry loved it to be fair. He wanted to see how long this can go on until he’s fallen for Louis.

“So, I guess I’ll leave now. I just wanted to come by and see how you’ve been this morning.” Louis said.

“I really appreciate it, Louis. This is very nice of you” Harry added.

They said their goodbyes, and parted ways. Harry grabbed his phone from his purse and texted Niall, “Come by mine in 20 mins?”

He needed to talk to him about him just giving out his information to just anybody. Well not just anybody, but you get it.

He made his way to his house, hoping to beat Niall there. Niall is really his closest friend. He’s tried to make closer friends, but everybody he’s tried with just doesn’t seem to care enough about his personal boundaries.

He arrived at his house, and parked his car. He saw Niall’s car in the driveway as well, which means he beat Harry to his own house.

He opened the door and saw Niall laying flat on the living room couch.

“Hello, Ni. We need to have a chat.” Harry said jokingly but a little sternly.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Why’re you giving out my work address to people,” he asked, giving Niall a stern look.

“It was just Louis. He wanted to come see you.”

“Ni, I just met Louis. He hasn't even been in my life for more than a week yet. You can’t just go around giving my important address out to people I don’t know,” Harry exclaimed.

“I’m only joking, Ni. You should’ve seen the look on your face.” Harry said, laughing being his hand.

“Oh. I was scared for a second. You look so much like an upset mom when your angry,” Niall said, dramatically holding his hand in his chest.

They both were a laughing mess. Harry has been told he looks like either a grumpy cat when he’s mad, or an angry mom.

Leaving that thought, Harry and Niall planned on having dinner together.

Harry woke up craving the same matcha latte Louis had brought him yesterday. He’s had the same latte from Niall’s cafe a lot, but the one Louis brought just tasted better, in a good way.

He got out of bed, and made his way to the bathroom, brushing his teeth and doing his skincare.

When he was done, he checked his phone to see if he’d gotten another text from Louis. He frowned when he realized there was no text today, but that was no big deal.

He arrives at the cafe, and he spots Niall, “What’s up, harr? You haven’t stopped by the cafe in a long while.” Niall said with shock in his voice.

And he hasn’t, he never has time to, due to the fact that his boss constantly needs him for something during the time of his breakfast, “Yea I know, but I woke up craving one of those matcha latte. Did Louis add something to the one he bought yesterday? They were so good.”

“Actually yes. He asked if I could add vanilla to it. Anyways, how about I make your latte, and we can have a seat together in the booth?” Niall asked.

Harry nodded.

He watched Niall make his latte, and waited.

“Okay, H. I just wanna talk about Louis.” Niall said.

“Ugh, Niall. There isn’t anything to talk about really. We don’t have anything going on right now, I promise I’ll fill you in when something comes up.” Harry says with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

“But Harry there is something going on. I know it isn’t my place to tell you what you have going on with someone, but you specifically told me you’d lead him on and play hard to get. I just want you to be able to get into a relationship like you said you wanted. If you actually want to be in a relationship, you can’t go your whole life ignoring signs and expecting these men to just stay. I’ve noticed what you do in the past,” Niall said.

He hated that Niall was right.

He always waits till the last minute to finally actually catch feelings. But it’s different with Louis. He hates to admit it, but he felt something with Louis the day they met.

“But Ni, it’s kinda difficult with Louis. I’ve never felt this way about a guy so early,”

“Okay, you can do what you do, but please go easy on Louis. I want you to be happy, and Louis seems like a really good guy. Don’t wait until the last minute.” Niall advised.

Harry stared at him and nodded.

As he sipped his latte more, his eyes wandered around the cozy cafe. Suddenly, the door opened, and in walked the man he and Niall were just talking about. His heart skipped a beat, and he felt a rush of excitement mixed with nervousness.

He tried to act casual, but couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face as he watched Louis scan the room. When his eyes finally met Louis’, he felt a spark that made his cheeks flush.

The way Louis walked with an easy confidence, his presence commanding the room without even trying. Harry noticed the way his hair fell perfectly in place, and the way his eyes seemed to light when he saw him.

Harry was hoping to hide the blush that had crept onto his cheeks. As Louis approached the table, his pulse quickened, and he couldn’t help but wonder if he could hear his heart pounding in his chest.

He was then snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of Louis’ angelic voice, “Hey, darling. What a lovely coincidence? Both of us, we’re in the cafe at the same time.”

“Yea.” Harry said, batting his eyes up at Louis. He had to stop himself before Louis caught him.

It was quite scary how fast he’s caught feelings for a man.

“I’m assuming you really liked the latte I bought yesterday?” Louis said, eyeing at the matcha latte in Harry’s hands.

“Yea, it was really good. Niall told me you asked to add vanilla”

“I did. I did,” Louis said, biting his lower lip.

“Okay, I’m gonna get back to work. Hope to see you guys later,” Niall said awkwardly, standing up to leave the booth.

“So, it’s very lovely to see you again, H. I was hoping I’d get a chance to see you again.”

“Oh really?” Harry said, biting his bottom lip.

The way Louis was staring at him caused butterflies to fill his stomach. He pushed the empty latte cup towards the end of the table, never breaking his eye contact with Louis.

The sexual tension was evident.

They continued staring at each other, their conversations were filled with lingering and half-smiles, each loaded with unspoken words.

“So, I wanted to ask you if you’d like to go out to dinner with me this weekend? I’d really love to get to know you more.” Louis said, flirting.

“That’s really sweet, Louis. I don’t know yet, but I’ll text you when I decide if I want to.” Harry said.

“Take your time, love. No rush. Just make sure your mind is made up by Friday,” Louis said with a smirk.

Harry nodded, and leaned across the table to leave a small peck on Louis’ cheek. He then pulled out his phone, pretending that didn’t just happen.

He knew Louis was watching him, but he pretended not to notice. With a playful smirk, he tossed his chocolate locs over his shoulder. Whenever Louis tried to start a conversation again, he responded with short, teasing answers, just enough to keep him intrigued but never fully satisfied.

His game was deliberate, each move calculated to keep him guessing, to make him work a little harder for his attention. Harry enjoyed the chase, the thrill of knowing he had the upper hand, and he was determined to make Louis earn every moment of his time and attention.

“Harry, I know what game you’re playing. But trust me, I’m not that easy to break. I’m going to make you mine.” Louis said with a devilish smirk.

He then stood up from the booth, and walked out of the cafe.

Although it was kind of hard to watch Louis leave, Harry loved the fact that Louis wasn’t going to give up. It made him feel wanted even more. He noticed a notification from Louis on his phone, reading a winking emoji. He replied with a devil emoji.

He soon heard footsteps coming his way, “Harry, what the f*ck was that?” asked Niall.

“Oh nothing, Louis just asked me to dinner this Friday.” He said

“And what was your answer?”

“I didn’t give him an answer, I told him I’d let him know by Friday. My answer is yes, but I want to make him wait.” Harry said, looking up at Niall innocently.

“You’re something else,” Niall laughed.

Harry ended up staying at the cafe with Niall until closing, they chatted more about Louis. After Niall closed the shop, Harry made his way home.

He had a small plan for tonight.

When he entered his house, he rushed upstairs to take a quick shower. When he was done he stepped into his walk-in closet, and went to find some sexy lingerie. He was planning on sending a few naughty pictures to Louis. Just so he could have something to dream about.

He picked up a burgundy set, the fabric was a luxurious blend of silk and lace, smooth to the touch.

The silk felt like liquid against the skin, cool and soft, while the lace added a layer of intricate beauty, its floral patterns both delicate and seductive. This piece was perfect for his plan.

He put the lingerie on, the slightly itchy fabric touching his bum. He went to the bathroom to ruffle his brunette hair a bit, and grabbed his phone. He turned his back to the mirror, and rested his bum on the counter of the sink, snapping a few pictures.

He then went to the bed, lay down on his stomach, and put his feet up to rest in the air, snapping a few pictures. He decided that was enough pictures, and flipped through them, admirably.

He decided to send Louis two pictures, one from the bathroom, and one from the bed. After he hit the send button, he threw his phone across the bed, happily waiting for Louis’ reply.

As a few minutes passed, he heard a ding notification from his phone, assuming it was Louis’ reply to his photos.

He opened the conversation and saw the message, ‘f*ck, baby, you’re doing things to me’ and that message itself made Harry blush. He loves the effect he has on Louis.

He then saw that Louis was calling him, not even just calling, but FaceTiming. Harry hesitated if he should answer or not, he then hit the red button.

He needed Louis to beg.

He sent Louis another message ‘the pictures are all you’re getting for tonight💋, you’ve had enough. Don’t be greedy, Lou’

‘You know that’s not all I want. I know you can do much better than that’ Louis replied

‘Well, that’s all you’re getting for right now’ Harry added.

Louis then sent a picture of his clothed lower half, Harry noticing the bulge chewing through his plaid pajama pants.

‘You see what you do to me’ read the message under the picture.

‘I hope you find a way to handle that. Goodnight, boo’ Harry replied back.

He then puts his phone on the nightstand, remembering to put it on ‘do not disturb’, hoping to see more desperate messages from Louis when he wakes. He had a playful grin on his face, knowing how worked up Louis was right now.

Harry woke up the next day smiling at the thought of the events that happened last night. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand, and he saw he had 3 unread messages from ‘Lou💋’

‘Don’t leave me hanging like this, baby’
‘The things I want to do to you right now’
‘You’re trouble’

He read all the messages with a blush on his face. His cheeks were so hot and the shade of a tomato.

He decided to ignore the messages for right now.

He was downstairs, making breakfast when he soon heard an unexpected knock at his door. He looked down at himself and realized he only had on a pink satin robe, but decided to just go to the door, assuming it was just the package delivery.

When he opened the door, he saw a face he was not expecting, Louis’.

“Hey, Lou. What’re you doing here?” He asked with a bit of confusion on his face.

Louis had on a green hoodie which had the word ‘pal’ on the front, with black adidas shorts, and adidas slippers.

“I just wanted to do something nice for you.” Louis said while pulling a bouquet of flowers from behind his back.

“Omg, thank you so much, Lou Lou. I really appreciate it.” Harry said in awe, grabbing the flowers from Louis’ hands.

He was kinda surprised Louis decided to do this after what happened last night. Maybe Louis was staying true to his word that he isn’t gonna give up no matter how hard Harry is gonna make him work.

“You’re so welcome, doll. Will this sweet sweet gesture at least give me a chance to come in.” Louis asked.

That made Harry laugh. Louis really thought that giving him a bouquet of flowers was gonna make Harry give in. He’s got it all wrong.

“No. You have to work harder.” Harry said with a devilish smirk.

“One second,” Harry said. He left Louis standing at the door to go put the flowers in a tall vase. The flowers were beautiful, he can admit. But he wants Louis to try harder. And by harder, he means beg on his knees.

He then made his way back to the door, “I love the flowers so much Lou, but that won’t make me give in. I said no to you coming inside, but you can have this,” Harry said.

He placed a wet peck on Louis’ lips, and made his way to his neck, filling the air with wet, suckling sounds.

He felt Louis try to grab his ass in the process, so he grabbed Louis’ hands, and placed them behind his back.

“No touching Louis. Take what you get and don’t be greedy. Remember?” Harry said.

“Yes, sorry love,” Louis said with desperation in his tone.

Harry then pulled away from the kiss, causing Louis to push forward, chasing his lips, wanting more. Harry pulled back even more and put a finger on Louis’ lips.

“No. No more,” Harry said with a laugh.

He loved how desperate Louis was. That’s what makes him want to give in, but he can’t just yet. He has to see if Louis can work harder for what he wants.

The harder Louis works, the faster Harry will give in. He stepped closer to Louis and placed one last kiss on his cheek, this time, allowing Louis to grab his bum for a split second, then quickly moving away.

“See you later, my Lou Lou,” Harry said while biting his bottom lip. He stepped away from Louis, and shut the door right in Louis’ face.

The way Harry just called him ‘my Lou Lou’ sent shivers down his spine.

He ran to the living room window to watch Louis drive away from his house.

Louis got into his car, but didn’t pull off. He pulled out his phone, and sent Harry a message.

‘You look sexy in your robe btw’ he sent the message, and added a heart eyes emoji. He then waited for Harry’s reply.

Only seconds later, he heard a ding.

‘Oh thank you, Lou Lou. But get out of my driveway’ Harry replied.

Louis laughed at the reply, and drove off, honking his car horn once.

Louis planned to have Lunch with Zayn this afternoon. There wasn’t a specific reason why, he just missed his best friend.

While he was driving, he couldn’t stop thinking about Harry. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw his playful grin and those teasing glances he threw his way.

It was maddening how Harry occupied and took over his thoughts, his laughter echoing in his mind. He replayed their conversations over and over, analyzing every word, every subtle hint Harry might have dropped.

Even when he tried to focus on others things, Harry would creep back into his thoughts, his image as vivid as ever. It was as if he had cast a spell on him, and no matter how hard he tried, he could break free from his enchanting hold.

He soon realized that he had already arrived at the restaurant. He got out of his car and made his way in. He looked around to find Zayn, who was already sitting at the bar table.

“What’s up, Z?” He said, holding his hand out for Zayn to shake.

“Nothing much, man. Have a seat,” Zayn said, and he did as told.

He knew Zayn wanted to talk about the Harry situation, and he kind of wanted to talk about it as well.

“So, Lad. How’s the Harry situation going?” Zayn asked, and he knew it.

“I knew you were going to ask,” Louis laughed.

He leaned back in his chair, frustration evident in his voice. “Man, he’s straight-up told me I need to work harder if I want a chance with him. It’s like he’s setting the bar higher every time. But you know what? I think he’s worth it. I need to step up my game, show him I’m serious. I need to find ways to prove to him that I’m not interested in the chase, that I genuinely want to be with him. It’s going to take more effort, but I’m ready for it. I just need to figure out what will really impress him and make him see that I’m the real deal.” Zayn nodded, understanding the challenge ahead.

Louis giggled, “he’s a f*cking handful, man. But I can handle it. I think he knows that as well.”

Zayn leaned forward, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Listen, if he’s telling you to work harder, it means he sees potential in you but wants to be sure you’re serious. It isn’t my business to tell what happened in the past, maybe he’ll tell you. But start by paying attention to the little things he likes. Show him you’re interested in who he is, not just how he looks. Maybe plan something special that aligns with his interests, something that shows you’ve been listening. Be patient and consistent; don’t push too hard, but don’t back off either. Prove with your actions, not just your words, that you’re committed. It’s a fine line, but if you really care about him, it’s worth walking.”

Louis nodded. Zayn was a thoughtful man, he was smart.

“Thanks, Z. But forget about me, have you found anybody yet?” Louis asked.

Zayn sighed, “man, unfortunately I haven’t. It’s like every time I think there’s potential, it just doesn’t work out. I see people around me finding their person, and I’m happy for them, but it makes me wonder if there’s really someone out there for me. Maybe I’m being too picky, or maybe it’s just frustrating sometimes, you know?” Louis nodded sympathetic, understanding his struggle.

“It’s totally okay to feel that way. Relationships can be tricky, and sometimes it just takes time to find the right person. Don’t rush it or settle for someone who doesn’t feel right. Focus on being the best version of yourself, enjoying life, and the right one will come along when the time is right. Keep the faith, lad.” Louis advised.

“Man, this is literally turning into some therapy session,” Zayn laughed.

“It’s nice to be able to talk about things like this with each other, it shows how true our friendsh-”

He was interrupted by a notification on his phone. He looked at his phone and noticed a notification from Harry, and he smiled.

Harry sent a picture of himself in a cream colored lingerie set. He was lying on the bed, on his stomach, his back arched, and his bum sticking out. He was going to drive him crazy.

He replied with a drool emoji, and also added a message, ‘you’re driving me crazy, baby. Can I come see you?’

Harry only replied with a thumbs up, which shocked Louis. He was taking baby steps now.

He was interrupted by Zayn's voice, “is that Harry?” He asked.

“Yea, I think I’m gonna go see him at his house tonight,” Louis replied with a smirk on his face.

Zayn got up and ruffled Louis’ hair, “yesss, lad. You’re getting there,” and Louis only smiled.

They said their last goodbyes, and parted ways.

He got in his car, and texted Harry, letting him know he was on his way over.

‘On my way, baby’

The message read.

When he arrived at Harry’s house, he walked to the front porch, and knocked on the door softly. Harry answered right away as if he was waiting at the door.

When Harry opened the door, Louis noticed he was wearing these cozy sweatpants that looked super comfortable, and a crop top that showed just a hint of his midriff. It was such a simple outfit, but he made it look effortlessly stylish. There was something about the way Harry carried himself, relaxed and confident, that made him look even more beautiful.

Harry greeted him with a hello, and a hug. He then grabbed Louis' hand, and carefully dragged him into the house.

“You wanna watch a movie with me, Lou Lou?” Harry asked innocently.

“Of course, doll.” Louis replied.

Harry was still holding onto Louis’ hand until they made it to the living room couch. Harry had already set out a few blankets and pillows, and a few different snacks.

Harry sat down on the couch next to Louis, and he gave Louis the remote to find a movie, “you can find the movie, I’m too tired,” Harry said with a yawn.

Louis decided on Bambi, “omg, Lou!! How’d you know I like this movie,” Harry asked with shock, a sweet sparkle in his eyes.

Louis just shrugged, and grabbed Harry’s hand, giving each of his knuckles a small kiss. He turned over to look at Harry’s face, and he found him blushing.

The movie started, and they began watching.

As they sat on the couch watching the movie, the air between them seemed charged with unspoken tension. Every time Harry shifted closer, he could feel his heart race a little faster.

Harry would occasionally glance at him with a sly smile, his eyes sparkling with mischief. At one point, he playfully nudged Louis with his foot, his touch lingering just a bit longer than necessary. Louis tried to focus on the movie, but Harry’s teasing was making it impossible to concentrate.

The way he kept brushing his hair back and leaning in, it was clear he was enjoying driving Louis a little crazy.

Harry kept teasing Louis throughout the whole movie. During the middle of the movie, Harry decided to put his feet in Louis’ lap, only inches away from his clothed co*ck. Harry knew exactly what he was doing.

Louis grabbed Harry’s feet, and began massaging them, kneading them. Seconds later, Harry let out an exaggerated moan. Louis just laughed.

“Oh, we need more snacks,” Harry blurted.

He got up, using Louis' leg to help himself up.

Louis heard Harry rumbling in the background, but decided to focus on the movie for the first time tonight.

Harry came back with a bowl of kettle popcorn. When he was finally near Louis, he was acting as if he didn’t have enough space to get back to his side of the couch, so he climbed across Louis’ lap, teasing.

Louis roughly grabbed his waist, stopping him from going any further away from him, “baby, stop teasing,” he said with a grin.

Harry playfully rolled his eyes, “I’m not doing anything, Lou. What do you mean?” Harry asked innocently.

Louis laughed and stared Harry in the eyes, “baby, don’t act like I don’t know what game you’re playing. I noticed the day you started,” Louis added.

Harry put the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table, and he was laughing. He was now actually sitting on Louis’ lap. He set both of his hands on the sides of Louis’ face, “I know what you want, Louis. But like I said, you aren’t getting any of this until you show me you really want it.” Harry said with a devilish grin.

Louis looked at him as if he were starving, “I can put in a bit more effort, can’t I?” He jokingly asked.

Harry smiled, “mhmmm. I’m a bit picky, can you tell?” Harry asked.

Louis only nodded.

Harry got off of his lap, and grabbed the bowl of popcorn, and began eating. It’s so crazy how Harry can do all this, and just act like nothing happened moments later. It’s true talent really.

As the credits rolled, Harry stretched and got up from the couch, giving Louis a playful smile.

“Well, I guess it’s time to call it a night,” Harry said, his voice light and teasing. Louis followed him to the door, still feeling the electric tension between them. Harry opened the door and stood there, looking at him. With a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Drive safe, my Lou Lou.” he said, leaning in for a quick, warm kiss on the cheek before pulling back.

Louis could only smile, knowing that Harry had enjoyed teasing him all night. As he stepped out, Harry gave him one last, lingering look before closing the door, leaving him with a mix of frustration and anticipation for the next time they met.

After cleaning up the downstairs area, Harry tiptoed upstairs, a mischievous grin playing in his lips. As he settled into bed, he couldn’t resist sending Louis a text, continuing the teasing game they had been playing all night. The message was playful, hinting at the fun they could have next time they did something like this. He knew he was keeping Louis on his toes, and he couldn’t help but enjoy every moment of it.

He nestled into his pillows, his fingers dancing over the keyboard of his phone.
“Had fun tonight,” he typed, adding a winking emoji at the end for good measure. “Maybe next time, I’ll let you catch me.” He hit send and waited, imagining the look on Louis’ face as he read his message.

A few moments later, his phone buzzed with his reply, but he decided to leave Louis hanging for a bit. Smiling to himself, he turned off the light, letting the anticipation build for their next encounter. This is his second time doing this, but he likes it because it seems to bring the two of them closer.

The next day, Harry was busy at work, going through his usual routine of modeling outfits and different accessories.

Suddenly, he looked up and saw Louis walking in with a bouquet of flowers and a mystery box, catching everyone’s attention. He approached Harry with a hopeful smile, but he barely glanced at the flowers.

“Really? Flowers again, Lou?” He said with a raised eyebrow, his diva persona in full swing. “You think a few flowers are going to impress me? They didn’t work last time, what makes you think they’ll work this time.” He teased, a playful glint in his eye.

Deep down, he actually appreciated the gesture and the effort he put in. Again, if only Louis would try harder. He has a feeling Louis will soon. He turned back to his work, hiding a small smile.

Louis looked at him with a soft smile, sensing Harry’s teasing. “I know they’re not much,” he said, holding the bouquet a little closer. “But they reminded me of you.” His sincerity caught Harry off guard, and despite his feisty, diva act, he felt a warm flutter in his chest.

He gave Louis a genuine smile, appreciating the thought behind his gesture. “Alright, you get a point for effort.” he said, his tone softer. “But don’t think you’re off the hook that easily.”

Louis chuckled, relieved to see Harry’s smile. “So, about that dinner I asked you about earlier in the week…. Have you thought about it?” Harry paused, pretending to consider and hesitate for a moment before finally nodding. “Yes,” he said with a playful grin. “I’d love to have dinner with you, Lou Lou.”

Louis’ eyes lit up with excitement. “Great! Baby, I promise it’ll be a night to remember,” he said happily. Harry couldn’t help but feel a little giddy inside, looking forward to the weekend ahead.

As Louis leaned in to kiss Harry’s cheek goodbye, he felt a mix of surprise and warmth, a silent acknowledgment of their unspoken connection. He then watched Louis leave.

As he wrapped up his latest photo shoot, he felt a sense of accomplishment. He had given it his all, as always. Just then, his boss, Jeff, approached him, his expression was so serious.

“Can we talk in my office?” He asked, his tone was serious as ever.

Once inside, Jeff didn’t waste any time. “I’m sorry to say this, but we’ve decided to go in a different direction. We’ve found another model who fits our new image better- he has a more ideal body type for our upcoming campaigns,” he said, his words cutting through him like a knife.

The words hit him like a ton of bricks. He tried to maintain his composure, but it was impossible. He wanted to shout, but he chose to keep his calm.

“I understand,” he managed to say, his voice trembling.

Leaving the office, he felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. Although Jeff always treated him horribly, it felt bad being told you’re being replaced because someone has a better body type than you. This was his final blow.

As soon as he got home, the tears he had been holding back came rushing out. He collapsed onto his bed, crying uncontrollably, feeling a mix of anger,sadness,and insecurity.

In the middle of his sobbing, his phone rang. It was Louis. He tried to steady his voice as he answered the phone, but Louis could tell something was wrong immediately. “What’s wrong, baby? Everything okay?” Louis asked, concern evident in his voice.

“Lou, I need you. Can you come over?” he managed to say between sobs.

“I’m on my way, baby.” Louis said immediately.

Without hesitation, Louis was at his within minutes. He found Harry curled up on the bed, his face buried in a pillow. He sat down beside him and gently pulled him into his lap.

“It’s going to be okay,” Louis whispered, stroking Harry’s hair. “You’re beautiful and talented, my baby. This doesn’t define you at all.”

“I know, but it just sucks.” Harry said, tears soaking Louis’ shirt.

Louis just rubbed his back, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

“I personally think you’re perfect. Nobody else’s opinion matters” Louis laughed.

That caused Harry to laugh as well. It was nice to see Harry smile in this sad situation.

They stayed like that for a while until Harry calmed down.

“Are you starting to calm down now, darling?” Louis asked softly.

Harry didn’t verbally reply, he just nodded his head against Louis’ chest.

Louis couldn’t have Harry sitting here believing some asshole boss. He grabbed Harry’s face, slightly squishing his cheeks, “You’re beautiful, please know that, darling,” Louis said. He then kissed Harry’s forehead.

After a while, Harry was still sitting in his lap, his head resting on his shoulder. He fell asleep moments after Louis told him he was beautiful. Louis was hoping Harry’s dream was a happy one.

Harry’s peaceful expression brought a soft smile to Louis’ face. He gently stroked his hair, careful not to wake him, and watched as his breathing became slow and steady.

After a while, he decided it was time to move Harry to the bed. With the utmost care, he slipped his arms under Harry and lifted him gently. Harry stirred slightly but didn’t wake. He carried him to the bed, each step taken with the precision of someone handling the most delicate of treasures.

He laid Harry down on the bed, making sure his head rested comfortably on the pillow. As he pulled the blanket on Harry, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of affection.

He remembered Harry’s words that: he would give him a chance if he tried hard enough. Determined to prove himself, he tucked the edges of the blanket around Harry, ensuring he was snug and warm.

Then he leaned down to plant a soft kiss on his forehead.

“Sweet dreams, my baby,” he whispered, before quietly skipping out of the room. As he closed the door behind him and left Harry’s house, he hoped he would text him when he woke up. But if he didn’t, he’d probably text first.

The next day, he woke up early, checking his phone every few minutes, hoping for a message from Harry. His heart raced with anticipation each time his phone buzzed, but it was usually just notifications or messages from others.

As the morning turned into afternoon, he started to feel a bit anxious. Had he done something wrong? Was Harry upset? Just as his thoughts began to spiral, his phone buzzed again. This time, it was Harry.

He smiled.

“Good morning,” the message read, followed by a smiley face and a kissy emoji. His heart leaped with joy, and he quickly typed back a response, eager to continue the conversation and see where things would lead.

Harry then thanked him for taking care of him last night. He felt a warm glow inside as he read his message, grateful that he appreciated his efforts.

“You’re welcome,” he replied. “I’m glad you got some rest. How are you feeling today?”

As he waited for Harry’s reply, he was thinking about his and Harry’s upcoming plans for the weekend. After the events that happened last night, he was hoping Harry was able to see how much he cared about him.

After a few minutes, he heard a ding from his phone. It was Harry’s reply.

“The way you treated me last night made me realize that you do care. I thank you so much Lou. I’m so excited for our dinner tomorrow.”

And that made Louis smile.

Today was the day Harry and Louis were going to have dinner. Although Harry’s known Louis for quite some time, he was still nervous.

He stood in front of his walk-in closet, a playful smile on his lips as he picked out the perfect outfit. He’d made Louis work for his attention, teasing him with his charm and wit, but tonight was different.

Tonight, he wanted to show Louis how much he really liked him. As he slipped into a sleek dress, he felt a flutter of excitement.

He took his time with his makeup, accentuating his eyes and adding a touch of blush to his cheeks.
His heart raced with anticipation, knowing that despite all the games, he couldn't wait to see Louis and share this special evening together.

As he brushed his hair, he remembered how Louis had been there for him the other day.
He had been feeling down, and Louis’ support had meant the world to him.

He had listened, offered kind words, and made him laugh when he needed it most. He felt a surge of gratitude and warmth, knowing that Louis was someone he could count on.

As he was doing his finishing touches, he heard a knock at the door.

He quickly ruffled his long hair, and made his way downstairs to the door.

With a burst of energy, he practically leaped to the door.

When he was finally at the door, he flung the door open, meeting Louis’ eyes.

“Hello, My Lou Lou,” Harry said with a big smile, batting his eyelashes.

“Hi, my baby. You ready?” Louis asked, biting his bottom lip.

Harry nodded and held his hand out for Louis to hold.

Louis took his hand and kissed it, leaving traces of his wet lips on his hand.

They then made their way to the car.

Louis opened the door for Harry, causing Harry to let out a ‘ooo’ sound.

When he got into the driver's seat, he put his hand on Harry’s thigh, squeezing it softly.

“I’m so happy that you’re finally giving me a chance darling. I can’t wait to show you how much I truly care. You’re everything I want, baby,” Louis said

“I’m excited, Lou. I can tell you’re a very special man,” Harry added.

Louis smiled and looked at Harry.

As they drove to the restaurant, Louis couldn't help but steal glances at Harry, his heart swelling with affection.

The evening sun cast a warm glow through the car windows, highlighting Harry’s features in a way that made his breath catch. Gosh, he was so beautiful.

He kept the conversations light and engaging, wanting to make Harry feel comfortable and cherished.

When they arrived, Louis quickly got out and walked around to Harry’s side, opening the door with a gentle smile. 'After you,' he said, his voice soft and inviting.

Harry stepped out, feeling special and cared for, as Louis offered his arm and led him towards the restaurant entrance, his heart full of hope and excitement for the evening they had planned.

As they approached the restaurant entrance, Louis couldn't help but notice the soft rustle of Harry’s dress and the way the sky framed his silhouette. He opened the door for him again, and he smiled, feeling a warmth spread through him.

The place inside was cozy and inviting, with dim lights and the gentle hum of conversation.

They were seated at a table by the window, where they could watch the city lights begin to twinkle. Louis pulled out Harry’s chair, making sure he was comfortable before taking his own seat.

“This is really lovely, Lou Lou. I thank you so much for this,” Harry said with a sparkle in his eyes.

“My pleasure, baby. Anything for you,” Louis replied.

“Hey, Lou?”

“Yes, darling?”

“Um. I want you to know that I do notice how much you care about me, and I do appreciate your kindness and attentiveness. It isn’t just about all the gifts and gestures, but it’s also about how much you make me feel seen and valued. I’ve always wanted to find a perfect man like you.” Harry said, slightly tearing up.

As they sat at the elegantly set table, the soft glow of candlelight flickered between them.

Louis took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking.

"I just want you to know how much I value and care for you," he began, his voice sincere and steady.

"From the moment we met, you've brought so much joy and light into my life. Your kindness, your laughter, your feisty act, the way you see the world, it's all so special to me. Although we haven’t spent too much time together, I still cherish every moment we spend together, and I want you to know that you're so incredibly important to me."

Harry felt a rush of emotions, his heart swelling at Louis’ words. Louis reached across the table, gently taking Harry’s hand in his.

"I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like you. You make me want to be a better person, and I can't imagine my life without you in it. I care for you deeply, and I hope you feel the same way."

Louis leaned over the table, wiping a stray tear from Harry’s cheek.

“I do, Lou. I care about you so much. More than you’ll ever know.” Harry said, tearing up even more.

Before Louis could say anything, the waiter brought their food.

They both got pasta.

The soft hum of classical music was playing in the background. Adding to the serene atmosphere.

They exchanged many sweet smiles and gentle conversation, their voices a harmonious blend with the calming surroundings.

“You wanna try some of mine, darling?” Louis asked gently.

Harry nodded, and put his fork in Louis pasta, gently swirling the fork around it.

“Mmm, so good, Lou.”

“I really like yours,” Harry said with a pout.

Louis smiled.

Although Harry got some sort of healthy pasta, Louis would do anything for Harry.

He slid the plate towards Harry, “You can have mine, baby.”

Harry looked at him with sparkling eyes, “Aww, really, Lou?”

“Course, darling. Anything you want.” Louis added with a cheeky smile.

Harry smiled back and then began eating the pasta.

As they finished up their meal, they leaned back in their chairs, content and satisfied.

“Ugh, I’m so full.” Harry said.

The waiter brought over the dessert menu, but they politely declined, feeling that the night had been perfect just as it was.

They shared a quiet laugh over the last sips of their drinks, Louis reaching across the table to gently hold Harry's hand.

“Want to go to mine, baby?” Louis asked shyly, scared Harry would decline.

Harry nodded with a smile.

The candles had burned low, casting a warm glow on their faces as they exchanged a few more words, cherishing the peaceful end to this peaceful evening.

With a final smile, they stood up, ready to step back into the world outside.

“Take me to yours, Lou,” Harry said, hooking his arm with Louis’.

When they got into the car, Louis turned to Harry, “Thank you so much for giving me a chance, darling.” He said, almost tearing up.

Harry looked at him with a smile, “Of course, my Lou Lou. You worked hard, and you deserve a reward.” Harry said.

The ride to Louis’ place was quiet, but it was the comforting kind of quiet.

Harry really enjoyed how he was able to sit quietly around Louis without it being awkward.

After 30 minutes of driving, they finally arrived at Louis’ house.

Louis parked the car in the garage, and went to open Harry’s door, “wow, such a gentleman,” Harry said, hiding his blush behind his hand.

Louis set his hand lightly on the small of Harry’s back, walking him to the house door.

When they entered, Harry got a strong whiff of Louis’ smell. It smelled so good.

“Your place is really nice, Lou Lou. It’s so cozy,” Harry commented.

“Thank you, baby. Is there anything you want to do?” Louis asked.

Harry hesitated.

“hmmmm. Maybe we can watch a movie and cuddle,” Harry asked with a shy smile. He was hoping Louis would say yes to the cuddle.

“Course, Baby. I’d love that. Just gonna go grab some blankets from upstairs. Do you want something to change into?” Louis asked.

He looked down at Harry, spotting his tight black dress and his glittery, flat sandals.

Harry smiled, “Yes, please,” he said.

Louis nodded and smiled.

“Hey, baby? You can go in the kitchen and grab snacks if you want, yea?” Louis yelled from the top of the stairs.

Harry shouted back an ‘okay’ and made his way to the kitchen.

When he stepped in the kitchen, he opened the pantry, searching for snacks.

Louis had little to no food in there, besides a few snacks.

After picking out snacks, he went to the living space, putting his feet up onto the couch.

Louis soon entered the room, handing Harry a pair of gray sweatpants, and a worn, band t-shirt.

Harry thought about asking Louis where the restroom was so he could change. But he wanted to tease Louis a little bit.

“Close your eyes, Lou.” Harry said.

Louis childishly smiled and covered his eyes with his palms.

Harry looked up, making sure he wasn’t peeking.

He knew Louis was peeking, so he danced out of his dress, slowly peeling it off his body, putting on a show.

He then put on Louis’ clothes. The clothes were really comfy, he was going to keep these.

“Done?” Louis asked.

Harry said yes, and made his way closer to Louis.

Louis grabbed his hips, massaging them.

“Looks much better on you, than it does on me, baby. I swear you look gorgeous in everything.” Louis said.

He lifted the oversized shirt up, and kissed Harry’s belly, causing Harry to squirm.

Harry pulled his shirt down, sitting beside Louis.

“Not yet,” Harry said with a grin, booping Louis’ nose.

He gently lifted his legs and placed them in Louis’ lap, finding a comfortable position.

The warmth of Louis’ touch and the ease with which he settled in made the moment feel intimate and relaxed, as if they had done this a thousand times before.

“What do you want to watch, Lou Lou?” Harry asked with an innocent smile.

Louis looked at him in awe, “Whatever you want, baby. Anything you pick, I’ll be fine with.” Louis replied.

Harry decided on The Notebook.

He pressed play and sat the remote down next to them.

Louis turned to look at Harry’s face, noticing a cheesy smile on his face.

“Baby, how many times have you seen this?” Louis asked with a smile.

“Shh. Don’t worry about it, Lou Lou. Just watch,” Harry added.

Louis obeyed.

They sat quietly and watched the movie, Harry still comfortably in Louis’ lap, until Harry felt Louis continuously grip his thighs.

Harry put his hand over Louis’, squeezing it lightly.

He then brought his hand up, softly playing with Louis’ hair.

“You want me?” Harry asked in a whisper.

Louis nodded desperately.

“Take me up then,” Harry replied.

Louis stood up, carrying Harry bridal style, causing Harry to yelp softly.

Harry was kissing up and down Louis’ neck.

Louis threw Harry onto the big bed, lifting up his shirt, kissing his chest.

“f*ck, you’re so beautiful, darling. You know that?” Louis asked.

Harry only nodded, too into the moment.

Harry desperately tugged on Louis’ shirt, silently asking him to remove it.

“I want you, Lou,” Harry said with a whine.

“You can have me then, baby. Anything you want,” Louis replied.

Louis flipped them over, putting Harry on top.

“Does it feel good finally getting what you want, Lou Lou?” Harry asked with a devilish look on his face.

Louis nodded, putting his hands on Harry’s neck, and pulling him down for a passionate kiss.

As he leaned in to place a tender kiss beneath Harry's jaw, the younger manlet out a soft sigh of contentment, his fingers threading through Louis' brunette, soft locks.

Harry's breath quickened as Louis trailed his lips down his neck, leaving traces of spit, his hands deftly working to untie the knot of Harry's sweatpants.

Unable to contain his desire any longer, Harry reached for the hem of Louis' shirt, eager to see all of his lover.

Louis smirked playfully at Harry's impatience, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Impatient, are we?" he teased, his voice low and husky with desire.

With a swift motion, he discarded his shirt, revealing the lean muscles of his chest. The sight of Louis' bare torso only served to heighten Harry's arousal.

Louis' hands moved to the waistband of Harry's sweatpants, a rush of anticipation filled the room, causing Louis' breath to catch in his throat as he slowly tugged them down.

The sight of sexy, dark red panties adorning Harry's hips was enough to get him harder than he was before. His eyes grew wide with admiration as he whispered in awe, "f*ck, baby. You look so f*cking sexy”

Louis carefully untied his sweatpants, observing Harry's gaze following his every movement. With a gentle tug, Louis removed his sweatpants and briefs, revealing his fully aroused co*ck, proudly standing against his taut stomach.

Harry's heart raced, his breath caught in his throat, anticipation building as he longed to feel every inch of Louis inside of him.

“f*ck,” Harry said in a whisper.

Louis discarded his sweatpants with a casual flick of his wrist, his eyes locking onto Harry's with an unnerving intensity as he crept closer.

His gaze wandered up Harry's thighs, tracing the gentle curves of his body, before finally settling on the hem of his shirt. With a deliberate slowness, Louis grasped the fabric and pulled it off, revealing Harry's ivory-smooth skin.

Laurel tattoos danced across his hip, a delicate butterfly perched on his chest, rising and falling with each rapid breath. Two swallows nestled beneath his neck, near his shoulder, as if seeking refuge. Harry's body was a canvas, a masterpiece of art and stories.

Louis’ eyes traced the contours of Harry’s body with a sense of wonder. Every curve, every line seemed perfectly sculpted, a testament to his natural beauty.

His skin, soft and warm against his, felt like the most comforting embrace.

In that intimate moment, he couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of love and appreciation for the man beside him, seeing him as the perfect embodiment of beauty and tenderness.

Closing the distance between them, Louis positioned himself over Harry. Harry's long curls cascaded around him as he peered up at Louis with pleading, desperate green eyes.

Louis was a goner for him.

Louis smiled down at him, before he leaned in to kiss the tip of Harry's nose. Then, he got up and padded over to the nightstand, returning with the lube and condom, which he tossed onto the bed beside Harry.

Harry's hands trembled slightly as Louis reached for the waistband of his panties, his lips bitten as he watched the older man.

“f*ck, you’re so sexy. You deserve to be worshiped,” Louis said with a moan.

A rush of air escaped from his lungs as Louis slid his panties down, freeing his hardened member. Harry let out a soft moan as Louis traced his fingers along his length.

"Such a pretty co*ck, princess," Louis whispered, his voice laced with desire. Harry blushed deeply at the compliment, his gaze locked on Louis as he lifted his knees and placed delicate kisses along the inside of Harry's thighs, causing him to moan.

“So so perfect,” Louis whispered.

Louis spread Harry's thighs, positioning himself between them. He reached for the bottle of lube.

Harry watched intently as Louis generously coated his fingers. "Gonna open you up my fingers, okay, baby?" Louis' voice was low and soothing.

Harry nodded and let out a whine.

Harry let out a soft gasp, as cold fingers traced his entrance. Louis gently continued his ministrations on Harry, his fingers exploring and teasing. Harry couldn't help but feel himself getting aroused once again.

“Another, Lou.” Harry said with a moan.

By the time Louis slid a third finger in, Harry was moaning into his mouth, tangling a hand in his hair.

Louis leaned in close, his voice soft and reassuring, "Are you ready, baby?" Harry nodded, breathless with anticipation. "Mmmm, I’m ready, Lou," he whispered.

Louis lined up his slick co*ck with Harry's tight hole, the pressure unfamiliar but incredibly intense. As he slowly began to push inside, Harry gasped at the sensation. Louis whispered sweet words of encouragement, telling Harry how perfect and beautiful he was.

“Oh you’re so beautiful, baby. You’re my girl.” Louis said.

“f*ck yes. I’m all yours, Lou,” Harry said, rolling his eyes from the pleasuring feeling.

“Does that feel good, baby?” Louis asked.

“Mhmm, feels so good,” Harry replied.

Louis smiled and pressed a lingering kiss onto Harry’s cheek, causing Harry to blush.

He continued to push in and out of Harry, wet sounds filling the air.

“Mmm, baby. You're making me close,” Louis said, breathing into Harry’s neck.

After continuous thrusting, he finally came.

He then took the condom of his now soft co*ck, and tied it.

He went to the bathroom to grab a cloth, dampening it with warm water, and then went back to the bedroom to gently wipe the sweat from Harry’s forehead.

“You’re so pretty, my baby.” he said, giving Harry’s nose a kiss.

“And you’re so handsome, my Lou Lou. Thank you so much,” Harry replied.

“My pleasure, darling. Wanna have a cuddle now?” Louis asked.

He laid back onto the bed, and invitingly, opened his arms.

Harry nodded and made his way towards Louis.
He set his head on Louis' chest, and cuddled up next to him.

“Thank you for making me feel wanted, Lou Lou. I really appreciate it.” Harry said, softly kissing Louis’ bicep.

“You deserve to be treated right, doll. Please remember that,” Louis replied.

They stayed in the comfy position for hours and hours until they soon drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, Louis stirred awake, reaching out instinctively for Harry. His hand met the cool, empty sheets beside him, and his heart skipped a beat.

Panic began to rise, but then he caught the faint, comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon wafting from the kitchen. He relaxed, a smile spreading across his face.

Throwing on the pair of black sweatpants from last night, he followed the delicious scent, finding Harry humming softly as he prepared breakfast. The sight of him, bathed in the morning light, filled him with a warmth and contentment that made the perfect end to their romantic night.

He looked absolutely sinful in the red booty shorts he was wearing.

Quietly, he approached him from behind and whispered, "Good morning, beautiful." Harry jumped slightly, his hand flying to his chest in surprise before he turned around, his eyes wide.

“Oh my, you scared me, Lou.” Harry giggled.

Louis couldn't help but smile every time Harry giggled. It was an adorable, infectious sound that seemed to light up the entire room.

His giggle was soft and melodic, like the tinkling of tiny bells, and it always brought a sense of joy and warmth to his heart. Whenever Harry laughed, his eyes sparkled with delight, and his whole face lit up, making it impossible for Louis not to join in on his happiness.

“I woke up early this morning so I could go to the grocery store. You don’t have anything to eat here, Lou.” Harry scowled.

Louis kissed his cheek, his arms still wrapped around Harry’s waist, “Why didn’t you wake me up, baby? I could’ve gone with you.” He replied.

“You looked so peaceful and handsome, I didn’t have it in me to wake you.” Harry exclaimed.

And Louis just smiled.

He let go of Harry’s waist, and made his way to the kitchen island, taking a seat.

As Harry bent down to grab something from the bottom cabinet, his shirt lifted slightly, revealing a small, bow-shaped tattoo on his lower back. Louis’ eyes widened in surprise.

"Wow, I never noticed that before, darling." he said, pointing to the tattoo.

Harry glanced over his shoulder and smiled. "Oh, that? I got it a few years ago. Do you like it?" Harry asked, lifting up the sweater and wiggling his bum.

“Oh, I love it, princess,” Louis replied.

He got up out of the chair, and again, walked over to Harry.

He held the sweater up and held it against the middle of Harry’s back.

He couldn't help but trace the outline of the bow with his fingers, feeling a mix of curiosity and admiration. "It’s beautiful. I love it. It’s so sexy, aswell."

Harry blushed, pulling his shirt back down. "Thanks, Lou Lou. I’m glad you like it.” Harry said.

He grabbed Louis hands from his stomach and turned around, leaving wet kisses on Louis face.

Louis' hands drifted down to Harry’s bum, “mmm, sexy,” he said, slightly smacking it.

Louis parted from Harry, and went to sit on the living room couch.

“Hey, baby?” Louis said.


“You wanna hang with the boys tonight? Maybe go out for dinner or something?” Louis asked.

Although Harry would’ve liked to stay in with Louis tonight, he wanted to show Niall that he actually gave Louis a chance, and is willing to make his and Louis’ relationship serious.

“Yea, sure. I’d have to stop by mine to grab a few more outfits.” Harry replied.

“You want me to come with?” Louis asked.

Harry had a plan for tonight.

“No, I have a surprise outfit for you. So you should get there before me.”

And Louis smiled.

“Oh, I’m excited.” He said.

“You should be. I’m gonna get all pretty just for you, lovely.” Harry says, booping Louis’ nose.

Harry was done making the breakfast, so he plated the food, and walked over to Louis, carefully placing the plate in front of him.

Before Harry could get away, Louis grabs Harry’s waist, pulling him onto his lap.

“Thank you so much, doll.” He said, kissing Harry’s cheek.

Harry was already becoming a proper housewife.

He could feel the gentle weight of Harry against him, his laughter filling the air as he recounted a funny story from years ago.

His heart swelled with each word Harry spoke, his mind racing with thoughts of how deeply he loved him.

He watched him, mesmerized by the way his eyes sparkled when he smiled, the way he cutely twirled a strand of hair around his finger. Every little detail about Harry seemed perfect in his eyes.

He wished he had the confidence to actually tell Harry how much he loves him, but he felt it was too early to say those three words.

“You know you’re loved? Right, baby?” Louis asked quietly.

Harry nodded, looking Louis in the eyes and sweetly smiling.

They both cuddled on the couch until Louis drove Harry to his own house.

Harry kept all of his clothes he had before in one of Louis’ drawers.

He smiled so hard when Louis told him he could bring all of his things over if he wanted to, he didn’t have any problem with that.

“Text me when you’re ready, okay, baby?” Louis said, looking over at Harry in the car.

“Okay. Can’t wait to show you your surprise.” Harry said with a smirk.

Louis softly laughed.

Harry’s house was only ten minutes away from Louis’ so the drive there was short.

Louis pulled the car into Harry’s driveway.

“Kiss?” Harry said, puckering his lips before exiting the car.

Louis softly kissed his lips three times, silently telling Harry ‘I love you’.

Louis had always been confident in most aspects of his life, but when it came to matters of the heart, he found himself paralyzed with fear.

He had met Harry only a few weeks ago, and although Harry made him work for what he wanted, their connection was instant.

They shared laughs, dreams, and loving stares. But now, Louis was facing a dilemma that kept him awake at night.

He loved Harry. He knew it in his bones. But the thought of telling Harry terrified him. What if saying ‘I love you’ changed everything?

What if it was too soon, and Harry wasn’t ready to hear those words? The fear of altering the beautiful dynamic they shared weighed heavily on his heart.

He feared that rushing into it might push him away, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing him.

It hasn’t even been that long, but he can just tell Harry is everything he wants.

So, he kept his feelings to himself, hoping that one day, the right moment would come.

Until then, he cherished every moment they had together, silently loving him more with each passing day.

Harry entered his home, and made his way to the living room. Had sat by the window, watching as Louis’ car disappeared down the street. He felt a pang of sadness tugging at his heart.

It was silly, he knew it. After all, he was going to see Louis again at dinner later that night. But the quiet moment after he left made him feel a little lonely.

He was falling for Louis.

He replayed their afternoon together in his mind, smiling at the jokes they shared and the way Louis’ eyes lit up when he laughed.

He knew he was overreacting, but he couldn't help it. The thought of being apart, even for a few hours, felt like a small eternity.

Taking a deep breath, Harry reminded himself that they would be together again soon. He busied himself with getting ready for dinner, excitement bubbling up inside him at the thought of seeing Louis again.

Maybe he was overreacting, but that was just part of being head over heels for someone.

Harry went to his bedroom, his sadness slowly melting away as he focused on getting ready for the dinner.

He carefully applied his makeup, making sure everything was perfect. As he worked, he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside him.

He had a special surprise planned for Louis tonight. Hidden in his closet was a sexy dress he had picked out just for him. He couldn't wait to see the look on Louis’ face when he saw him in it.

The way Louis reacted to him just in short shorts made him excited to see Louis’ reaction to him in this outfit tonight.

The thought of Louis’ reaction made him smile, and he felt his earlier worries fade away.

With a final touch of lipstick, Harry took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror. He was ready. Tonight was going to be special, and he couldn't wait to be with Louis again.

He remembered that Niall and Zayn were also attending this dinner, so he also wanted to show what’s Louis’, and Louis’ only.

He did his finishing touches and made sure to already have lube on the nightstand for the activities planned for later tonight.

He then got into his car, making his way to his destination.

Louis couldn't contain his excitement as he sat down with his two friends, Niall and Zayn, at the restaurant they planned.

With a broad smile, he began, "Lads, I have to tell you, things are going so well with Harry. Ever since I met him, I've been hoping for this, and now it's finally happening."

Zayn leaned in, intrigued. "I told you it would all work out."

Louis continued, "He’s everything I've ever wanted. He may be stubborn and that, but man does he have an amazing heart, and every time we're together, it just feels right. We've been spending a lot of time together, and I can genuinely say I've never been happier. It's like a dream come true."

Niall nodded, smiling. "That's amazing, Louis. We're really happy for you. It sounds like you've found something really special."

Louis’ eyes sparkled with joy as he thought about all the time he and Harry had spent together these past few days. His friends listened intently, thrilled to see Louis so happy and in love.

“That sounds so lovely man. It's hard t-,” Zayn was stopped mid sentence when he saw Harry enter the restaurant.

“There’s your girl, man.” Zayn said, pointing towards the door.

Louis’ eyes widened in surprise as he turned towards the entrance of the restaurant. There he was, looking absolutely stunning in a sleek, black dress, a vision of elegance and beauty.

The smile on his face matched the sparkle in his eyes as he walked towards their table, a picture of grace and confidence.

Louis’ heart skipped, and he couldn't help but feel incredibly lucky to have Harry in his life. It was a moment he would never forget, a perfect blend of surprise, joy, and love.

Harry leaned down, his eyes locking with Louis’, and gently kissed him. "Hi, my Lou Lou," he whispered, his voice soft and sweet.

“Hi, baby.”

Louis’ hands gently found Harry’s waist, he stood up and held Harry’s hand, allowing Harry to enter the booth seat.

Zayn and Niall watched with smiles, clearly happy for him, as he felt an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude.

“Looking hot, Haz” Zayn said with a whistle.

Louis looked at him with warning eyes, pointing a finger at him. “Hey now.” He said.

Harry gently smacked his shoulder, laughing.

“Thanks so much, Zayn.” Harry replied.

As the conversation flowed effortlessly around the table, Louis felt a rush of emotions. He glanced at Harry, his laughter like music to his ears.

Under the table, Louis’ heart pounded as he gently grabbed Harry’s leg and placed it on top of his. He felt a spark as his leg rested on his, and Harry looked at him with a knowing smile.

Harry’s eyes twinkled, and he continued to engage in the conversation, his hand subtly squeezing Louis’ under the table, a silent acknowledgment of their connection.

Harry then planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

Harry noticed how Louis had the top buttons of his shirt unbuttoned.

He was so hot.

Louis then whispered in Harry’s ear “You look so good, baby,” he said, placing a kiss on Harry’s neck.

“Thank you, Lou Lou.” Harry replied.

They were then interrupted by the voice of Niall, “Hey guys, I have to head out, I’ve got an emergency.” He said.

“Okay, take care.” They all replied.

“I’m gonna leave too. I’ll give you guys your space.” Zayn said, following Niall.

Harry and Louis watched the both of them leave, Louis’ hand still resting on Harry’s thigh.

He was going to take this chance to confess his love for Harry.

He stood there, heart pounding, as he gazed into Harry’s eyes.

"Hey baby?”


“I have to tell you something," he began, his voice trembling slightly. "From the moment I met you, I knew you were everything I wanted. You made me work for your attention, and at times, it was frustrating. But every challenge, every moment of doubt, only made my feelings for you grow stronger."

He took a deep breath, gathering his courage. "I realized that the effort I put in was worth every second because it led me to understand just how much you mean to me. You're not just someone I admire, you're the person I want to spend my life with. I love you, deeply and truly, and I can't imagine my life without you. I love you so much, darling. I hope you understand that.”

Harry looked at him, his eyes softening as he listened to his heartfelt confession.

After a moment, he took a deep breath and began speaking. "I need to explain something," he began, his voice gentle but firm. "Although I do love the chase, the reason I made you work for my attention wasn't to play games or be difficult. I've been hurt before, deeply. I built walls around my heart to protect myself from getting hurt again."

He paused, searching for the right words. "I needed to see if you were willing to put in the effort, to show me that you were different. And you did. You've shown me patience, kindness, and unwavering dedication. You've helped me believe in love again. I wanted to be sure that what we have is real, and now I know it is."

Louis looked at him in awe.

He smiled, his eyes filled with admiration. "You are so perfect," he said softly. "You deserve to be treated right, with all the love and respect in the world. I promise to cherish you, to be there for you, and to never take your love for granted. You mean everything to me, and I will do everything I can to make you feel as special as you truly are."

His eyes sparkled with joy as he stepped closer to him. Without a word, Harry began planting gentle kisses all over Louis’ face, his heart overflowing with love. "I love you," he whispered between kisses. "I love you so much. Take me home."

“You sure you don’t want to do anything else before we go in?” Louis asked

“No. I want you to take me home.” Harry replied with a smug smile.

Harry was planning to go back to his house tonight, but there’s been a change of plans.

Hearing Harry refer to Louis' house as "home" made Louis’ heart swell with happiness. It was just a simple word, but it carried so much meaning. Knowing Harry felt safe enough in his space for him to call it home made him feel good.

He felt a warmth spread through him, knowing that he saw his place as their shared sanctuary. "Let's go home then," he said, smiling, as he gently took his hand.

Louis’ hand lightly rested on the small of Harry’s back.

On their ride back home, Louis continuously glanced at Harry the whole ride.

He couldn't help but smile at the thought of Harry’s words replaying in his mind. He had finally told him how he felt, and the relief was overwhelming.

It felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest, and now his heart was lighter than ever.

Harry’s response had been everything he hoped for and more. "I love you too," he had said, his eyes sparkling with the same joy he felt.

The moment was perfect, and now, as he thought about it, he realized how good it felt to be honest and open with her.

The future seemed brighter, filled with possibilities and shared dreams.

Louis knew that whatever came next, they would face it together, telling by the love they had finally confessed to each other.

“Wanna listen to some music, darling?” Louis asked.

Harry looked at him with a smile, “Yea, how about some Fleetwood Mac?” He asked.

“You’ve got taste, baby. Of course.” Louis replied.

He connected his phone to the car radio and pressed play.

Harry suddenly began singing along, and Louis just stared at him in awe.

“You’re so f*cking adorable, baby.” He said, leaning over the armrest and planting a wet kiss on Harry’s cheek.

After singing along to numerous songs, they finally arrived at Louis’ house.

Louis exited the car and went around to Harry’s side, opening his door, being the gentleman he is.

He grabbed Harry’s hand for what seemed like the millionth time tonight, and walked him into the house.

As soon as they stepped foot into the house, Louis’ lips instantly connected with Harry’s.

“Can’t believe your mine.” Louis said between the kisses.

“I’m all yours.”

With a quick motion, Louis lifted Harry off of the ground, his feet dangling as she let out a surprised gasp.

Louis’ strong arms wrapped around Harry’s waist, pulling him close as they kissed, passionately. The intense moment knocked Harry’s breath away, he then wrapped his long legs around Louis’ waist.

Louis moved with purpose, pressing Harry gently but firmly against the cool wall. The cool surface contrasted with the heat between them, heightening the sensation.

Their kissing deepened, filled with unspoken words and emotions that they’ve built up all this time.

“Mmm, you taste so good, darling.” Louis said.

He slyly felt under Harry’s dress, his fingers meeting the rough but delicate edges of lace.

“Aren’t you full of surprises?” He said with a smirk.

He let Harry down from his arms, slightly smacking his bum.

“Lead the way, darling.” He said, nodding his head towards the stairs.

As Harry was woken by the shining sun beaming through the window, he felt Louis’ arms wrap tightly around his waist.

Its been about a year and Harry’s been staying at Louis’ place for all this time.

He grabbed Louis’ arm and pushed it away.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Louis asked.

He was met with silence.

He got up from the bed and walked over in front of Harry, and gently grabbed his face with both of his hands.

Looking into Harry’s eyes, he noticed a wave of sadness.

“You alright, baby? What’s wrong”

Harry just stared at him before breaking into tears.

“I don’t feel good.” Harry replied, sniffling

“Aw, are you sick, doll?” Louis asked.

Harry just shrugged.

Harry turned over and draped the blanket over his head.

Louis then planted soft kisses on his head, over the blanket, whispering sweet nothings.

“Can you tell me what’s hurting, darling?” Louis asked Harry softly.

“My stomach and everything else. I don’t know.” Harry said with a whine.

“Okay, I’m gonna go out and grab you a few things. Alright?”

Harry grabbed onto his arm, “No. Stay” he said.

“Darling, I have to. I don’t have anything here for you to take.” Louis replied.

With that, Harry slowly let go of his arm, allowing him to leave.

When Louis left, the room was quiet except for the sound of the ceiling fan. Harry laid in bed, whining and moaning from the pain in his stomach.

He continuously glanced at the clock on his phone, counting the minutes until Louis would return back home. He had just left, but it felt like it had been hours already.

He even sent Louis a quick text reading “hurry”

He tightly wrapped himself in the blanket, his thoughts drifting thinking about how caring Louis had been these days.

He then quickly got out of bed, remembering he and Louis had forgotten to use a condom the last time they had sex.

He ruffled through his bag, also remembering he packed a pregnancy test, for whatever reason.

When he found the pregnancy test, he rushed to the bathroom.

He set a timer on his phone and waited and waited until the pregnancy test showed results.

Interrupted by the loudness of the timer going off, he slowly glanced at the test.

Two lines.

He covered his mouth with his hands, completely in shock.

He was so excited to tell Louis, but also slightly scared.

He and Louis had talked about having children a lot, so it should be kinda easy.

After just a few minutes, he heard Louis coming in the house.

He stuck the pregnancy test in the pocket of his soft shorts,and ran out of the room, meeting Louis’ surprised face.

“Feeling better, doll?” Louis said with a laugh, walking over and planting a kiss on Harry’s nose.

“I have a surprise for you.” Harry said.

Louis looked at him confusingly, “I have a surprise for you too then.” He replied.

Harry pulled Louis’ arm, walking him over to the couch.

“So, I know we’ve talked about a bit, but not much.” He said.

“Please don’t freak out.”

“I promise I won’t, darling.” Louis replied.

Harry quickly pulled the test out of his pocket, shoving it in Louis' hands, “I’m pregnant.” He said with a big smile.

“Oh my-“

“Oh my gosh, baby” Louis said, grabbing Harry and lifting him off of the ground.

“We’re gonna be parents? Actually?” Louis said, with a smile.

Harry quickly nodded, happy as ever about Louis’ reaction.

“And what was your surprise for me?” Harry asked.

“Oh one second” Louis responded.

He put Harry down and walked over to where he dropped the bags.

He picked up a large bouquet of flowers, a mixture of many colors.

He walked over to Harry, shoving the bouquet in his arms.

“Oh my, I love them, Lou Lou.” Harry said, covering his blush with the back of his hands.

Louis removed his hands, preventing Harry from hiding his emotions.

“Don’t hide, darling. I love you.” Louis said passionately.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.