The Norman Transcript from Norman, Oklahoma (2024)

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'THE NORMAN TRANSCRIPT NORMAN OKLAHOMA SECTION A-PAGE THREE SUNDAY DECEMBER 22 1940 mtn Give Her Something Sccnt-imental Now Showing at the Sooner of The War in Wanted: Sign Times and of Worth Many Needed Hut Few Available To Speed War Work Give her Christina beauty this year Exciting little beauty-bearing gtrs that acid to her charm keep her wdl groomed long after Christmas is over Say for instance a delightfully gift-wrapped beauty box consisting of face powder eau de cologne perfume and dusting powder? Or an attractive bottle of refreshing eau de cologne with an atomiser stlaclimenl? Or a complete beauty bath set with bath oil dust-big powdtr and bath crystals? Especially recommended for gift-giving are the attractive new manicure klU Your local stores have all these scented gift luxuries for you priced for light purses! Finger Left On Sooner Screen Mis Loy Melvyn Douglas Have Lead Holes in Story Of Komantic Miiup 'r hwt 1 i -t 1 1 a -fdV A' I I ff: ask i not JUl Hy en UP -tail tlit iro wxi -p ulv rrj A 8 army officer Invented a device oiieratlng on the electric Induction from the magnetic field that accurately shows the ground speed of a plane The device would enable the pilot to figure hb position caster when flying blind 10c SOONER 30c Tucs SUCH ROMANCE! Features: In this scene from Finger Uft Kami" the jtictm HioKMg foday firoxyh Tuesday at the Sooner theater Lee Boa-nan euygestt to Melrun Duaila that he dtvurce Mima Loy to that Bowman can marrj her htnuel The amusing situation is inst me of many in the rvmantc mix-up lly PAIX MANNING NIA Servlet Staff Correnpotidant LONDON saturation point haa Juit about been reuclud In the number of women available for Brl tain1 war effort A recent oppral for new women to be trained by the government In munition work waa to have enlisted 6O0M0 But during the first day of the algn-up most London labor exchanges reported less than four women had enlisted at each exchange In tills drive by the government to Insure that something approaching peak production will be mulntabied during future months INDUSTRY OFFERS INDUCEMENTS Even In private Industry there la for the first time a great sliortage of women workers Stores want clerks offices want typists and tall- ors want machinists As bait one firm Is offering bed and breakfast In their own under ground shelter to any woman cleaners who will work 48-hour week and the girls can bring a member or two of their family who might be left alone at hogie Stenographers cans Just about pick and choose their own Jobs which they are doing One Central Lomdotv firm had to offer working hours -of ten to four and no weekend work at a salary higher than normal In order to get badly needed office help So with this competition from private Industry which la trying to keep going and willing to offer fairly good wages there is little chance that the Ministry of Labor's appeal for women to learn arms work at a weekly salary of souse- four dollars a week will draw anything like 500-000 Six months ago It might have been passible far at that time there were more women than Jobs But now this surplus labor group of women has moved from London and the other crowded Industrial eenters out into the small country towns and Is showing no Inclination to return Not that women see failing to do Thousands of Brilish gtrls who work all day In munitions plants and ether rsarnlial Industries patriotically deveta their spare timf to working In canteens and ether volunteer activities BAVV ASMT A SIB MICI ISSTITUTE! WOMEHl WANTED At Norman Theaters SOONER now showing Finger Left with Myrna Loy and Melvyn Douglas -OKLAHOMA now showing Against the Sky" with Richard Dix Edmund Lowe and Wendy Barrie UNIVERSITY now showing Rush Molste" with Ann Sothern and Lee Bowman Color Cartoon News HEIM DOUG iitWlMs stoutDirtrtrfw msful Jewelry Will Make A Sparkling Yule Give' them Jewelry says Santa! He means your mother your cousins and your staters and aunts you're looking for something new something in gift hie yourself down to your local stores today Open your eyes to the giant the heavy bracelets and necklace and pins and dips Particularly smart are the eyecatching lapel pins broaches rings and bracelets that feature two removable clips Perennially popular lustrous pearls ore seen In one two three and multi-strand and you can get a bracelet to match! their share In the drive to win a war There are' more than 2688950 paid and voluntary women workers now engaged In the 'war 'effort Women have became such a vital part in England's fight that future historians will surs'ly give tham large slice of this credit) Just recently the first of ljOOO girls formerly unemployed have' gone to work In brown smocks and red turbans serving refreshments to a large part- of the 150000' men women and children who each night moke the crowded noisy subway of London their homes mess girls get paid for the work but seven dollars a week Is small compensating for working some ten hours each night In the shelters So probably patriotism and behind the canteen counters of London's many sir raid shelters DIFFKTLT TO FIG NUMBER OF WORKERS In addition to over two million women engaged in official war work of some kind or other there are also 95000 engaged in farm work which Includes 35 £00 of the Women's Land army but does not count the some 400000 wives and daughters of farm owners Then there -are the salvation army the church groups and the YWCA who operate some canteens with YWCA help Also every little town has a women's group of Its own which does work largely unknown to the central London authorities' There are probably more but organizational work Is so largely decentralized in England that a complete tabulation Is difficult to make for employment of Rational importance This ad appeared In a London newspaper due jig recent effort to enlist 500000 mere women far training in munitions work Disappointing results suggested saturation point has been reached in number of women available for war production 10c UNIVERSITY 15c Tuesday Features: Myrna Loy teamed for the first time with Mrivyn Douglas abandons tier rote os perfect wife" to keep the man who made Oar bo laugh in continuous hot water In Finger left Bund" starting today and allowing through Tuesday at the Sooner theater Miss Loy plays a magazine editor who because her boss' wife Is Jealous Invents a mythical husband wliom slie'a supposed to be trying to fbid to get a divorce The deception perfect until Douglas who ha teamed about it and Is In love with her blandly shows up and assumes the rote of the missing spouse Her family likes hbn She doesn't proceeds to keep him in all manner of trials and tribulations Site scandalises Niagara Falls on their He Invites soother couple to Join them In a 'double Her attorney plans ways and means of getting her a divorce so that he can many her himself And sll three start towards Reno together But after all the laugh-packed troubles they go through Myrna and Mclvyn find they've really been In love with each other all along Robert Leonard director of and and many other outstanding hits directed John Consldine Jr producer of and the produced The cast Includes Lee Bowman Raymond Walbum Donald Meek and Felix Bressart Holiday Hospitality Gifts for Hostess Come the holidays and all America turns to more home entertaining to planned Impromptu parties to festive big dinners and such What then could be more appropriate and Incidentally more practical than hospitality gifts for your own home or for-your favorite hostess? Just seen some sparkling gift ideas and we'd like to tell ypupbout them All are smart good-looking practical all are designed to be time-saving efficient to make entertaining more fun (With the rule around holiday time consider them for your own home as 'well as for gifts 1) Electrified gifts Include chrome-plated waffle Iron with eoay-to-read heat Indicator that tells you exactly when the lrou Is ready for use the two-slice flip-door toaster all chrome plated with wood handles and feet: the chrome-plated electric broiler that broils steaks fish or fowl the 6-cup electric percolator which makes delicious coffee right at the table or why not a coffee maker preferred by America's smartest hostesses Air express shipments for the month of May 1940 showed sn Increase of 28 percent over the same month In 1939 MONDAY AND TUESDAY STOP And meet Malsle the Temptress of the Gold Fields RUSH 10c Oklahoma 15c And It Is no doubt the same be-thelr Uef that prompted many girls to belief that they are doing something demand four o'clock quitting hours to help London carry on that made For many of these same girls can be them enlist seen any night working without pay Green and THUNDERING DRAMA RECKLESS DARING I THE SKY" Yule Program Is Given By Wilson Pupils Auditorium Is Filled By Patrons and Students For Christmas Event BICHARD DIX kbit nnot BMMDICWf -WSByiMH Walker Betty Je Laura White for the a Bible vice was presented as the seventh grade's contribution Dorothea Williams was leader and other solo parts were taken by Earl Lambert Wanda Estridge Bobby Gore and Dorothy Sanders The chorus for the service Included Billy Chilless LeRoy Dawson Nordeen Florida John Frltch Billy Miller Gene Miller Ronald Pearce Mac Sherman James Smalley Dolan McMlcheal Dalton Webber Virginia Bassett Ada Lee Beene Viola Beene Betty Blanton LaVone Claunch Flora Dodd Edith Hart Ruth Holladay Oleta Jackson Mary Lou McElhaney Frances Jean Miller Denis Newsome Charlene Phillips Dorothy Wells Katherine Underwood The program ended as the entire assembly sant Night Holy Night" Stage managers were Dolen McMlcheal and Billy Miller and the ushers were Ruth Holladay Virginia Bassett and Oleta Jackson PERFECT-FITTING SLIPS FOR ALL FIGURES for the lovely normal figure I For this type can wear the sculptured top slip that eliminates the need for a brassiere and has a slide -fastened plarket that Insures sllm-flttlng through the middle They make perfect Yule gifts fact too much hnportantce cannot be placed upon choosing the correct slip for the figure for uron It will depend the fit of the frock that goes over" Not only in slips but In gowns too It's possible to select a style that will create glamour for its wearer Like the Empire slip the Empire gown with Its high flattering waistline and pert puff sleeves will do wonders for the slim svelte figure For the most statuesque type a gown of shimmering satin made of suave flowing lines with bodice of gathered chiffon In the same shade would be perfect gift While for the woman who suffers from the cold a cunning long-sleeved gown with delicate embroidery down the front will prove that it's pawl bis to be glamourous and well-covered at the same time Shirley Anne Crlsmann Joseph by George Bassett the angel by Oleta Reynolds shepherds -by Roy Hamilton Arnold Higgins and Allen Pearce reader Dickie Floyd and soloist 8ue Maxsou The chorus Included Alma Claunch Lena Fear Bobby Barnard Mildred Jackson Doris Johnson Katherine Miller Ruth Miller Billy June Patton Virgle Lee Roley Pauline Jtolllns Vida Ree Vaught Marie' Henderson Kathryn Clinken-beard Ralph Graham Sam George Bobby Husted Clarence Mays McLain! Gordette Tevault Billy Jo Teel Dean Waddell Noah Parish and Billy Dresser A choral selection waa presented hy the sixth grade with Bobby Hicks John McMakin and David Lee Itoad as soloists Others In the chorus were Bob Goins Du-Lxn Perry Coffey Lloyd Keller Leroy Fay ton Edward Ridenour Chester Roley Hugh Smith liar-' old Sullivan Teel Jim Uhtes Dorothy Claunch Barbara Baker Emms Lee Carrouth Norman Davis Marlene Hitt Martha Haynes Alary Husted Mary Beth Scott Carolyn Sue Sellers Eva Lee Tevault Marjorie Town-ley Rossi ne Waddell Frances Fairchild today produces 14 train- lng planes and three commercial plane weekly as compared to two commercial planes weekly a year ago a parachute 52 feet in diameter recently brought a plane safely to earth from a height of 500 feet Tills feat was performed In an air show meet With Its auditorium gaily decked In all the color attendant to Christmas Wilson school Thursday night held an all-school program In which pupils from each of the seven rooms bad a part The auditorium was filled to overflowing with patrons and children but order prevailed as the occasion was enhanced by the playing of soft Christmas music as the crowd assembled and dispersed Lighted wreaths ever the stage door a picture of Jesos en which a spot light played colored chalk Christinas pictures were used to decorate the auditorium First and second graders in the rhythm bond played Bells' for the program A group from the first grade composed of Charles Barnard David Dlllmsn George Paul Michael Edward Murphy Vera Ivon Newsome Tommy Nosh Stephen Primrose Bud Smith Lyle Williams Carol Blackwood Eva Mae Fear Mary Gladys Fox Janett Holeman Colleen Hooper Lucille King Norma Ruth Lambert Beulah Mae Lee Barbara Jean Mooneyham Elaine Smith Mae Spears Shirley Stubbs and Janette Ann Thomas gave choral reading the Bells for Christmas and also sang three selections Clause Came Down the Clap Clap the and Christmas to You" A playlet "Bringing Santa Up to Date" was presented by the second grade Principal roles were carried by Don Newsome as Santa Betty Jo Brown as Mrs Santa and Gary Wayne Williams as the air pilot Brownies Rebellion" a play was presented by the third grade Characters Include Santa Claus played by Chad Cobb brownies portrayed by Don Wilson as Wigs Jsc-que Joe Hallman as Painter Har-vev McElhaney as Mender Larry Mills as Joints Billy Joe Choate a Squeaker David Russell as Wheels and Carl Hooper as Another Brownie Fourth graders read "ChrMmae and the Fine and "The Story ef the Foie and appeared together In rwL Those who read tnclufed Itorlenne Fes Patricia Wilma Maxine Campbell Karma Leo Hart James Argo Rita Jo McLain Bobby Newsome Barbara Fhher Dolores Zachary and Margie Hoidrr Mary Catherine William read as a solo lection Spirit Christmas" Besides the aforementioned those who appeared In the carol Include David Brown Jack Cobh Jimmy Cobb Max Cobb Charles Freeny Vencent Mllrr Rswlcigh Ralls Jr Ralph Reynolds Paul Smith Donald Thors Donald Lee Slater Donald Xe Wilson Lonnoe Lee Jele Blanton Jove Cox Lillie Davis Marjorie Dari Avo Jean McMiche-sl Mary Ruth Murphy Maxine Phillip Mary Nell Spink Mary Jean Waddell and Patsv Green Story of the Christ Chill" was told hi play form bv the fifth graders Mary was portrayed by Preliminaries are out of the way Our defense program is in full swing Let cveiy one of us pitch in and do his part no matter how small Our function is to supply and wo art ready I Just one look will tell you that this is the sort of refrigerator that you would expect to cost up to $30 more-even et today's low prices! It's big sparkling truly deluxe model complete with the most thrilling array of latest features especially built by KI-vinator to be the greatest value sensation of the year! See it now-buy it while this opportunity is Mill available Special ReDisCo Finance TUaeou-gtftri yotfr cph now wheti it mow! NO IXWN NO DOWN PAYMENT FOR 60 DAYS! nJ piymrflrt wtil 2 grtcr purhgw! Vith until dowt ptJflWfll ItfIM MV CDMCf Serial Stury CHRISTMAS RUSH By TOM HORNER First NauomAlBank OFTTCCM SIM Prro ftuhlw-rM Vlra-Pfa Sntiih Vi-P Airhr-rt' Tic-! U1UCTUM Cbm Omit ns- of Iw4 Phil UJ Act lwt Ad(i I 204 and 2t8 Wut Mate NORMAN J-y'i Pr DPrr Los-ar MM I BulMUlS la RrUMriagUia nn Cbaa iiliw A Wbw-cr i Ca-h'-v Bur nr rul'if Oaese Moim Am i Culm Read It Beginning Dec 23rd In The Norman Transcript Price Money Refunded If You Can liiy It.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.